Miles to Health

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Still battling something but after making the decision that it is not going to kill me, got out of bed and got ready to start the challenge of the day.

I had the intention of warming up with the warmup from Cathe Lift it Chest, Shoulder and Triceps but knew I was not going to get my run in if I did that, am trying to make sure I make the run the focus of the day, so I did a 1 mile walking warmup @4.0-4.2mpg/2%incline then 7miles@6mph/2%, 1 mile @ 6.1mph/2% then finish with a .5mile@6.5mph/2%, legs were sluggish to start but soon pick up and the last.5 miles felt pretty caught the run since as usual I was running late for work.

After work, I had the pleasure of spending time with some incredible group of women through the United Way Women Leadership council, the program is called Women on the Rise, I have a feeling I just found my mentors and coaches.

Time to start doing and stop talking.

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