Miles to Health

Friday, July 13, 2012

Woke up today feeling off, not sure what is going on bodywise except that I know my sleep pattern is still off am hoping I can get things back on track by this weekend. Woke up at 3:30am but then went back to sleep and snooze the alarm at 4:30 waking up at 5:45am, decided to run outside since the weather looked beautiful, I had 6-7miles on my schedule but was thinking I was only going to get in 3 then called it a day but even though I felt yaky nothing really hurt, my pace wasn't the greatest since it reflects how I was feeling but there was no reall reason to stop after 3miles so kept on going and got in a 10k before calling it a day, no strength workout today but I did get in pushups and squats yesterday.

So I found and android app yesterday for pushups and squats, it have you perform pushups and squats till you are tired then design the program for you. Pushups all on my toes was 26, squats 110 holding 8# dumbbell, you also have a choice of 50-200 straight pushups or squats, I chose 100 for pushups and 150 for squats. Based on what I input and indicating I was female had to do the following

Pushups: 11,10,12,12,11 for 56 total all on my toes
Squats: 32,24,30,30,32,26,24 for 198 total holding 8# dumbell

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