Miles to Health

Monday, November 14, 2011

Got a lot done this weekend, in Operation Reduce Clutter or Operation Don't be a Hoarder depending on how you look at it. I started with the papers/mail/magazine in the kitchen, never understand why if the mail is junk why I don't just put in the recycle bin or shed but instead pile it up to look at later, then moved on to the older kid's room it is amazing how many tee shirt the boys have, I think just like in running when you get shirts for every race they get a shirt for just about everything they sign up for science olympiad, soccer, basketball, football, chess, band... and also every race I drag them to to volunteer. The youngest kid's room had it's own problem, he draws japanese animation (anime) and he's quite good but I am running out of space for storage so we had to weed through the collection and get rid of some. Still got a lot to do but love how clean the house is looking.

This morning I was very tired because I got into bed after midnight but it is interesting with only 3 easy miles on my schedule I told myself to get up and get it done after all it was only 3 miles, then I added  on Men's Health Superset 1 & 2 which took all of 16mins, even though I could have easily blown off the workout I got in a great run and much needed strength training.

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