Miles to Health

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Recovery Week & March Review

Recovery from the Fool’s 50k went great, had a ice bath when I got back home but note to self make sure water completely cover the legs. The pain concentrated on my quads exactly where the water stop and made using the stick a nightmare. Monday and Tuesday I concentrate on eating close to 6000 calories each day, no junk, mainly some form of carbs & protein, basically my refeed days, my body tend to response to this and it help with my healing process. This time I took Monday off work just because this was a hilly race and I was not looking forward to climbing the constant 4 story stairs required, back at work Tuesday no problem going up the stairs but the quads were slightly sore when going the stairs by Wednesday things were back to normal and I got in some Spinning. Thursday back to running and Friday I started back to strength training using Supreme 90.

March went great, got in all my scheduled runs with some modifications, worked on strength and cross training but need to focus on flexibility in April, still using The Self Coached Runner by Allan Lawrence and Mark Scheid training plan for a 4 hour marathon. So far I love the plan and I have been able to train with it injury free even thou I am running more miles than I ever did and challenging myself speed wise. The only problem with running this many miles is that my shoes need change sooner and with money tight this is fast becoming a problem, so if there is any company out there that need a tester for trail or road shoe am your girl. Running is definitely not as cheap a sport as we all thing, well it could be but to really have fun with it, it is not

Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Jan 0 125.8 38.39 7 169.68
Feb 0 94.48 55.61 34.3 159.68
March 0 124.76 86.49 28 164.42

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