Miles to Health

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Went to see the Sport Dr. today, still think time is going to be the key to heal on my left butt muscle, for my right ankle/heel we did an Xray and nothing showed up, he recommended an MRI to be sure which was scheduled but upon checking with my health insurance since I have a high deductible this will be part of my deductible and at ~$1200 I really can't afford it so I will just go to the treatment phase and take this week and next week off from running to give it a break and reevaluate, for my butt, just going to stretch and strength train since I have gotten better result from them and can now run much better without pain.

Today, started Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit 1 and Denise Austin Core and Upper Body.

Still no plan for fall.

1 comment:

duchossois said...

Sorry to hear about your problems, but it sounds like you're taking the right approach to get them under control.