Miles to Health

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Woke up feeling great today, so got out of bed and did Mindy's Cycle Circuit which is a combination of Spinning and minimal strength work using the gliding disc and tubing. I really push myself on the spinning and that is something I am really going to start seriously focusing on, I already push my self hard with weight training but feel that I need to bring the same intensity to my Cardio

After work went to the rec center to run my 2 miles on the treadmill, picked the tempo program and have it setup to run 3 miles with a max tempo speed of 6mph. Warm up went from 4.0 - 5.5, then the 6mph tempo start with each segment being 2.04, did 2 then had to stretch out my left shin and hip, then another 2 then a stretch, then was able to do 4 then another 4 which included the first 2 cooldown segment. So the goal will be to be able to run the whole tempo segment without stopping. It is really a weird frustrating feeling my right leg feels great no ache, pain or fatigue while my left well a complete 360.

Yogamazing: Yoga for butt and thighs

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