Miles to Health

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of school for the kids today and we continue the tradition of breakfast at Burger King, stuck with my diet while they and DH ate. The BK tradition started with my oldest first day of kindergarten and now he is a senior, he wanted a way to make the first day special and since we never eat BK breakfast unless if we are on a trip or on vacation and that was what he picked.

Backed to a normal morning routine with the kids back in school;

30 mins on the Stepper with Podfitness

Squats 3x10 60#,60#60 Barbell
Knee ups 2x20
Lunges 3x10 per leg 60#, 60#, 60# barbell
Leg Extension 3x10 Ankle 60/60/60 Bowflex
Standing High Knee 2x20
Ball Crunches + Plank (1 mins) + 2 additional abs workout on ball
Lying Leg Extension 3x10 30# Bowflex
Cats/Dogs 2x3
Calf raises 3x10
Abs Vacuum

Cosgrove leg matrix
24 BW squats
12 Lunges per leg
12 Jumping Lunges per leg
24 jumping squats

Milk, nonfat, 0.33 cup
Flaxseed, 1 tbsp
Cinnamon, ground, 0.25 tbsp
Old Fashioned Quaker Oatmeal- Plain, 0.5 serving
Madhava Raw Pure Organic Agave Nectar, 1 tbsp

Chicken Breast, no skin, 4 ounces
Salsa, 2 tbsp
Baked Potato, with skin, 1 small (1-3/4" to 2-1/2" dia.)

Flounder (fish), 4 oz
Zucchini, 1 cup, sliced
Romaine Lettuce (salad), 3 cup, shredded
Spaghetti, cooked (pasta), 0.25 cup
Spinach, frozen, 0.5 cup

Celery, raw, 80 grams
Peanut butter (peter pan) No sugar added creamy, 2 tbsp

Calories: 962
Carb: 103

I added a serving of spinach and pasta to dinner, total calories for the day was just too low to substain my physical activity. The program is really designed for someone 180 pounds and it makes recommendation on how to adjust if you are heavier but nothing about if lower, I had the same program with week 2 and 3 the first time I did this diet and I had to keep tweaking the program. My calorie needs to be above 1000, just what I know my body needs after spending 41 years with it, so I will add 1 cup of fat free milk to wednesday's menu. I am not hungry or weak, I just do not like my calories under 1000, no weight change this week which is not surprising.

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