Miles to Health

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yesterday, I was able to get 1.8 miles on the treadmill at the rec center before I had to pickup my son from his field trip, this was a butt building workout I found online, basically I kept the speed at 4mph and change incline from 4 - 12%, got back home got on the spin bike and did Spinerval Core Condition, this was an hour long and it was wonderful, a lot of one legged spinning. Picked up my car from the body shop before going to work.

Today was the first day of PT, I was really looking forward to some torture massage and friction work and all she did was evaluation and gave me 2 exercises to do, seeing her again next week. Today's workout was 30 mins on the Reebok slide then with some weighs attached to my thigh did a variety of leg and glute strengthen exercises.

Not doing too good on the food front so really need to refocus and start packing and tracking my meals.

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