Miles to Health

Monday, April 21, 2008

Some soreness in the right shin and quad today so decided not to do a run, did JM Maxwell, Mahler's HFT Advanced day1 and 15 mins from Mindy's Super Cycle Challenge, stretched and got ready for work.
I applied an ice/hot pad to my shin and bandage up for compression, still feel tender, did Cosgrove's Leg Matrix later in the evening still one of my favorite leg finisher
24 bodyweight squats
12 lunges L/R
12 Lunge Jumps L/R
24 Jump Squats
Am hoping to add this running back on a more consistent basis, for the 50K training after the marathon because I think it is really going to help with building up my quads for all the down hill trail running, also need to go buy new trail shoe. It is kind of amazing, running is suppose to be a cheap sport but things does add up really fast.

I tracked a bunch of people running Boston today, and it was just amazing seeing how fast they were running knowing that this is a very difficult course.

1 comment:

AZReam said...

Recoverice offers cooling and compression - might help.