Miles to Health

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Knee Pain be gone

I went back to serious focus strength training after my last race, even though I ran faster and didn't have has much pain I noticed a difference in my legs and knees, they are constantly creaking and it hurts every time I get up from a sitting position or climb the stairs at work or home. So I have been pretty consistent about doing the weight work and also reducing my run to 3 days of good quality runs instead of just having junk miles and also added back yoga. Today, I noticed no creaking or pain in my knees, before getting up from I was already anticipating the pain but got up and the pain was extremely dull.

Today did 3.2 mile 4x400 @7-7.3mph 1% incline, recovery 4x400@4mph 1% incline then I added hill work at 5% and 10%, concluded with 18 mins of yoga for your feet from yogamazing.

My last run is going to be a hill run since I know there are 2 hills on the course.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hey, have fun at the "Stomp the Grapes" Race! It's a nice course, out in the country, some nice run on the towpath, really a nice event!