Woke up yesterday with a twinge/pull on mu left side, it hurts quite a bit and all I did was stretch, due to the pain and the fact that I am lacking in rest days, I decided to take yesterday totally off, it did get slightly better as the day went on but not totally.
It felt much better this morning but I can still feel it so decided to go ahead with my workout and shut things down if having problems. On the schedule was Chalean Extreme Push 3 and Speed workout, I also had to be at work early to interview for a new Engineer/Planner position since my current one just quit, oh well.
Push went great, I think I like this series just because am able to go heavy and reps are 6-8, focus was on chest, back and legs.
For speed today, of cause I have to hang with Coach Troy, he seem to be able to get me to do things I always think I am not capable of. Using Runerval 6.0, I decide to tryout workout B which is 4x4/1 min recovery, this was suppose to be 10k/5k pace but I did Marathon/Half Marathon pace instead.
This workout was quite fun in a Coach Troy's sadistic way so
2x4mins @ 10k pace 1 min 0%, 2mins -1%, 3mins - 2% & 4mins-3mins/ 1min Recovery
2x4mins @ 5k pace 1 min 0%, 2mins -1%, 3mins - 2% & 4mins-3mins/ 1min Recovery
What I did
2x4mins @ Marathon pace 1 min 2%, 2mins -2%, 3mins - 2% & 4mins-3mins/ 1min Recovery
2x4mins @ 5k pace 1 min 1%, 2mins -1%, 3mins - 2% & 4mins-3mins/ 1min Recovery
For the last 4 mins routine I pushed the pace to 5k pace and held it for 30secs, I was doing recovery @3mph, but was able to go back to base pace 5.5mph for the cool down.
My form felt pretty good on this, even thou I was working hard I felt in control, maybe after 2 weeks will be able to do HM/10k instead and start slowly bringing it up.
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