Miles to Health

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cheap Sport

With cooler temperature this week, sleeping in has been quite welcoming, for some unknown reason I woke up at about 3am but was able to go right back to sleep the next time I wole up realize it was after 6am my alarm was set for 4:30am I think so either I didn't set it or I turned it off without knowing when it went off.

I spent about 5 mins debating whether to get up and workout or do it after work in the end decided to get a quick workout in before going to work just because after work may be hectic, have to get my son to band practice by 6pm and also finish packing for my husband who is going out of the country tomorrow.

Got up and got in a quick 5k in and then had to speed dress for work so as not to miss my bus. Glad I got it done, if time permits after work I'll do the strength workout if not move it to tomorrow.

I realize today that my indoor running shoe now has over 700miles on it but there is actually no wear at the the bottom which is the first time this has happened normally there is severe wear to the outer part of the heel, current shoe is Adidas Response 16 now they are up to 19, I feel like my form has greatly improve and I am not dragging my left leg as I was going mainly due to injury.

The outdoor shoe, which is a Newton has over 400 miles and also need replacing soon since I am not sure I want to run the Akron Marathon in it but I really can't afford another Newton right now so I need to decide soon which shoe to get so I can get some runs in them before the marathon and then am probbaly goign to need another on to have to get another one to run the Houston Marathon in.

The trail shoe both Adidas are still low mileage but mileage add up on them fast since most trail run are 2-4 hours and with the plan of doing a 50 miler next year, may have to add one more to the mix.

Yes, this is really a cheap sport, with the shoes, entry fees and training fluid but I really can't imagine spending my money another way.

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