Miles to Health

Monday, January 25, 2010

Matt Fitzgerald Dynamic Flexibility from The Brain Training for Runners Book
1 mile run outside, neighbourhood loop
Fitzgerald's Core Conditioning
Gilad Body Scuplt Legs, Chest & Abs- Exercise TV

Yesterday was a rest day, my quads and calves were so tight and sore, so use the stick and did lots of stretching. I have decided to sign up for some races including the Akron Marathon, I need a goal if not I won't really give it my all, there is just so much that competes for my time and without a goal it is so easy for me to make my fitness last again and start catering to everybody else.


ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

Allright, a goal of a race allways help with getting out and training. I hope your taining works great for you!

Unknown said...

ExerciseTV is amazing! I love their free workouts OnDemand and their free online downloads @ are really really amazing too!