Miles to Health

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Putting a bandage on a process problem is never a good idea since they tend to come off or require more bandage at the most unoppurtune time. My bandaged process crack got a little big at 2:30am which means I got very little sleep.

I got out of bed late but was able to do my scheduled hill workout before I had to go in for my 9am conference call since I didn't bring any of the business information home. I did consider doing it after work but knowing that DH still have to finish packing for his trip tomorrow and nothing ever go smoothly, I just go up.

Dynamic Flexibility 10 per side

1 mile warm up @ 5.09mph (recovery pace)

5x90s @ 6% incline - 7.9mph (1 mile pace) with 2 mins recovery @ 4mph and I needed every single minute.

After doing 2 @6% incline felt like my form wasn't the greatest and I dropped the incline down to 4% for the last 3 and that was just perfect.

~1.6 miles average 5.73mph

1 mile cool down @ 5.39mph (recovery pace)

I was listening to Blaine Moore's interview of Tom Ryan during my run this morning.

Thorough stretch

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