I have been injured since November 07, did something to my hip, butt and hamstring on the left side while running the fall classic half marathon and things just went down hill from there on my lower body, couple of thousand dollars later just so I can continue running, I could have just waited it out like the initial doctor suggested couple of months to a year plus not quite sure but I wasn't willing to do that. So the question came up this week, why did I have to run this race this is based on the fact that Wednesday was the first time I could run straight without pain even thou I only did 2 miles. It came down to the fact that I had a choice.
I had the choice to sign up or not for the race, show up or not for the race, finish or not the race, but it still came down to the fact that I had a choice there are so many people in this world that don't get a choice or a say in what happens to their body or what attacks it, just like Michael so I ran the BT 50K with dedication in prayer.
I am not going to go into details about the race but will link to other runner's blog that will give more/better detail on the race as they post but will note the following;
- The volunteer's were the best, felt like a queen at every aid station.
- Breakfast was toast with peanut butter, drank mixed with water a packet of Orange Replenish, Lemon Propel and Red bush tea, ate 2 Gu and a packet of Cliff block, had chip and pretzel for the salt at the station since I switch to only water on the way back.
- It was wonderful to see and meet so many runners, I love this sport one of the few where the hare, stallion, gazelle and the turtle can play together.
- Ran/Walk the whole race by myself.
- Still don't understand why people wear headphones during a trail run, it like you miss the whole purpose of being in nature.
- Saw a mad black snake.
- The post meal was definately worth finishing the race for. Thanks Chef Bill and Crew.
- The markings were great, no chance of getting lost, thanks to Vertical Runner and Crew for putting on an excellent race.
- Not finishing wasn't an option. :)
Finish Time: 8:07:23 134/156 okay a new 50K PR slightly better than winter, I may actually break 8 hours, if I can stay injury free and train. Crap that means I'm actually thinking of running another one. :)
Pictures courtesy of Brian, Jim and Lloyd
Dr T Cindy Duchossois Nathan DaisyDuc
Elizabeth, I read your blog for the first time today, and I wanted to stand up and applaud for you. I found your story inspirational. You represent the essence of ultra-running, where will and guts rule. Congrats on overcoming the injury problems and pushing the limits.
Elizabeth...it was a pleasure hanging with you, either slightly ahead, or slightly behind as we kept trading off the whole race. You ran a great race!! Look forward to seeing you again out there. You certainly didn't look like you were getting over injuries! You looked very strong.
Woohoo Congratulations! If you PR'd the summer course over the winter despite being injured, I would call that a victory! (Notice you did not see me on the summer BT race-too hot for me!)
BTW I love your header, is that your garden?
Great job on a new PR which is even more impressive considering your injuries and that heat!
Girl you did great out there! And what an accomplishment after being injured for so long! I'm glad you are already thinking about the next one!
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